Author Archives: Alan Street

About Alan Street

I work at IBM.

Doing Strategy: How it all fits together

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Doing Strategy

Have you ever tried to get your arms around the über big picture?  I mean, what is the end-game for the conversation that goes like this?

  1. Client: I want a mobile app.
  2. Consultant: Great!  What are your requirements?
  3. Client: I want a new mobile channel.
  4. Consultant: No, I mean what do you want the mobile channel to do?
  5. Client: I’m not sure.  What do you suggest?  You are the expert!
  6. Consultant: OK, well, how do you want the mobile app to support customers and your operations?
  7. Client: I’m not sure.  What do you suggest?
  8. Consultant: So, what is your larger strategy for the business and IT?  Let’s start there.
  9. Client: I’m not sure.  What do you suggest?
  10. Consultant: OK, well let’s drill down on your business model.  Tell me about your customer segments and value proposition.  What kind of relationships do you have with your customers?
  11. Client: Our business model has some problems.  That’s why we want a mobile app.
  12. Consultant: Can we take a step back?

How it all fits together

But take a step back to where?  You need to understand how the whole planning process fits together before you can take steps back to the beginning.

The truth is, there is no linear process for an existing organization.  There are concurrent activities going on at multiple levels.  You can’t really stop everything and go to the beginning.  You just need to find a good spot and jump in.  Strategic discussions about the business model are occurring at some level of the organization.  At the same time, at another level of the organization the operating model is being refined to bring operations into better alignment with the organization’s strategy.  All this while the organization is trying to operate the business AND transform itself according to the last target operating model that was developed.

In the conversation above, this client is probably not in the mood to scan the environment and brainstorm potential business models.  But changes in the environment are probably behind the problems with the business model, so that is an activity that you should recommend be spun off (assuming it is not already).

As for the mobile app, one option is to build something small as an initiative (transformation) or even a business-as-usual (BAU) activity that either resolves a major pain point or exploits a new insight.  Learn and repeat as quickly as possible.  This fiddling around can be a way to survive while the strategic issues are understood and addressed in the business model and/or operating model.

Industry Trend: Immediate everything – Payments

This entry is part 5 of 30 in the series Trends

The mobile digital lifestyle is raising everyone’s expectations about how quickly things get done.  It is the “watched pot never boils” phenomenon — if you are look at your phone every 5 minutes things take longer than if you visit the Web, ATM, call center or branch much less frequently.

The demand for immediate payments is a good example.  The increasingly global mindset of consumers makes this new requirement applicable to international payments. Real time international payments could help SME’s free up cash flow. Check out this article by Kris Kubiena.

As always, more on this later…

Regulatory Trend: Deregulation – RBI granting banking licenses

This entry is part 4 of 30 in the series Trends

There is good and bad regulations and good and bad deregulation in the financial services industry. Bad regulation (and good deregulation) involves (and removes) rules that benefit banks at the expense of consumers by limiting competition in the banking industry. There is a global trend toward removing these protections in favor of more competitive banks. In the US this was about making it easier to combine state banks to create national banks. In regions like ASEAN we can expect increased ability to standardize and integrate business processes–key to growing strong regional banks with the ability to complete with the global banks.

A current example is that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), after a gap of 10 years (4), is granting new banking licenses.  Niche banks are being considered as opposed to only universal banks as in the past.  India’s banking industry is progressively being opened up to competition from foreign banks (3)

Two licenses were granted in the first round on April 2:

  • Infrastructure lender IDFC
  • Microfinance company Bandhan Financial Services.

These two entities will need to begin operations within 18 months (2).

Large corporate houses will be considered based upon objectives, credentials, track record and how funds will be deployed (1).

So far not approved by the Election Commission (EC):  Aditya Birla Nuvo, L&T Finance Holdings, and Reliance Capital.  Janalakshmi, another microfinance company, had also applied for a banking license.

Other applicants under consideration include:

  • India Post.

New licenses will be granted on an “on tap” basis (as opposed to in tranches) and as part of a “differential licensing system” (to create differentiated banks as opposed to universal banks).  A differential licensing system might create segments such as affordable housing, low-income groups and economically weaker sections.  One intent is to avoid creating clones of existing banks.

Entities that fail to secure a license may acquire a stake in an existing bank.  For example, there were media reports that L&T Finance, which had failed to secure a license in the first round, “was eyeing a stake in YES Bank”.


Less than 60% of Indians have access to banking services (over 40 per cent of India’s 1.2 billion people continue to remain financially excluded).  Increasing inclusion is one aim behind deregulation. (6)

There is an effort to improve the asset quality of Indian banks by reducing the high incidence of non-performing loans.

Banks will also need to find innovative ways to raise capital as there is a general need for more capital as they migrate to Basel III framework (2).

A previous “in principle” banking license granted in 1996 was unsuccessful with the bank going defunct and the well-connected promoter fleeing the country (4).


New banks (and existing banks preparing for new competition) create opportunities for tech firms, such as IT outsourcing and best-in-class technology for digital banking (5).  A senior official of a global IT and consulting company was quoted as saying “The technologies used by the financial services company have seen massive changes in last few years. Since the new banks do not have any legacy platform or software, it gives the service providers like us an opportunity to create digital banks of the future.”  “Even as it is difficult to asses the size and shape of the new banks at this point, a rough calculation by experts shows that the opportunities for technology companies could be anywhere between Rs 100-600 crore a bank.” (5)  I think this equates to about $17-100M USD per new bank.

The overall opportunity size would depend upon the number of new banking licenses–2 for sure, good odds on a third (India Post), and possibly more–but with only 2 of 25 applicants being granted licenses in this round it didn’t seem likely under the previous government.  However, the new government says they want more and are writing new guidelines to be ready within 4-5 months (9).  There were legitimate concerns behind not granting “industry houses” (large conglomerates) licenses.  Granting corporations who are active in real estate a banking license could endanger the economy.  Industrial houses, if allowed to enter the business of banking, can play mischief by using public money for their own benefit and denying money to the competition (8).

Software needs for a bank are vast.  “Core banking solution: Indian banks typically prefer Infosys’ Finacle, TCS’ BaNCS and Oracle’s Flexcube.”  Other software includes: “Data warehousing, CRM, applications for business functions such as finance, HR and ERP; solutions for internet banking, phone banking.”  Also required: “Back-office support, application support and maintenance, software upgrade” (5).

Experts name “TCS, Infosys, Wipro, HCL Technologies, IBM, Accenture and HP” as those that would be in the race for getting business from the new banks.  Some experts and bankers said that “in line with model adopted by the recently launched Bharatiya Mahila Bank, these new banks may look to outsource heavily and depend on consultants as system integrators to manage their IT infrastructure efficiently. This, they says, is a preferred option these days, as it reduces complexities relating to technology allowing bankers to focus on their core job” (5).

IT vendors stand to benefit on an ongoing basis from these new banks, as a tier-I banks spends 3.5-4.5 per cent of its revenue on technology, said Arup Roy, research director at Gartner.  “Time-to-market is a big factor today, and thus it is very important to use technologies like cloud to get support on that front,” Roy said, “RBI has also mandated banks to have branches in rural areas, which will also lead to increased dependence on technology. Given the fact that these are going to be new entities, their annual spending on IT would be heavy and could be around 3-4 per cent of their revenues” (5).

But how can you build out all of the IT for a new bank in 18 months?  One idea would be to build it out in the cloud.  This has been a successful approach for banks seeking to increasing inclusion in Africa.


  3. Business Monitor: Q3 2014 India Commercial Banking Report

Google AdWords and AdSense

Google has a multi-sided platform business model where it provides:

  • Its popular Web sites, including its search engine to consumers
  • The ability to bid on keywords via AdWords, resulting and display related advertisements
  • The ability to host advertisements on non-Google Web sites, such as a blog page.

Google subsidizes its Search, Web site and AdSense users with the revenue stream it receives from AdWords.

Industry Trend: Unbundling of banks – Lending Club

This entry is part 3 of 30 in the series Trends

I am a big fan of Lending Club.  I started investing some money there about a year ago to learn about it and couldn’t help myself from funding a few new loans each month.  It is addictive!  Before I know it I had saved a few thousand dollars.

So far I have not had any non-performing loans so the returns are very good.  As soon as a loan goes south the returns will become very bad.  Until then, I am hooked.

lendingclubI would classify Lending Club as a Two-Sided Market business model.  They provide the platform and bring together investors and borrowers.

Lending Club recently sold Union Bank loans.  Is this the unbundling of banking?  Or just Union Bank trying to compete with me?

The Financial Times reported that in mid-2013 the US lenders Titan Bank and Congressional Bank announced that they would begin facilitating personal loans through Lending Club.

Consumers are becoming more open-minded about receiving financial services from non-banks.  See the 2014 North America Consumer Digital Banking Survey by Accenture.

Digital Bank notes that:

  • FIDOR is nibbling away at the core deposit model of banks, as are Moven, Simple, Alior et al.  FIDOR Bank, in Germany, manages both virtual and real currencies.  FIDOR takes value from World of Warcraft and Diablo, along with gold, silver and euro funds.
  • Zopa is nibbling away at the credit markets, as are smava, Prosper, Lending Circle et al. Zopa now controls about 2% of the UK personal credit market, managing about £200M.
  • Currency Cloud is nibbling away at the cross-border activities of banks, as are Bitcoin, Azimo, KlickEx et al.
  • Kickstarter is nibbling away at the commercial banking operations of banks, as are Receivables Exchange, Funding Circle et al.
  • eToro is nibbling away at the investment operations of banks, as are ZuluTrade, StockTwits et al.

More on this in Industry Trend:  Social Finance. – Publish a book for free is interesting to me for two reasons.

First, bloggers can select content from their blog and publish it.  I dream of having time to do this!  Maybe after I retire…

Secondly, is an example of the Long Tail business model.  Mass customization.  Sell less of more.

Technology Trend: Cloud Computing

This entry is part 2 of 30 in the series Trends

I always talk about industry and technology trends as being an important input to strategy. It seems a bit vague so I have decided to create a new series that catalogs the major trends affecting the banking industry.

A key technology trend is utilizing applications, storage and compute power from the cloud. A key word here is “utilizing“. The benefits of a utility are lower costs and increased agility. These benefits come from software defined environments, cloud operating environments, and the API economy.  Security and regulatory constraints are forces but these are not trends (I assume these will be resolved to the benefit of the cloud computing trend) so I will not account for them here.

So the first technology trend that I want to start covering is cloud computing.  Banks must adopt a strategy that leverages the strategic, operational and development agility that comes with cloud adoption.  Architects in the banking industry must be informed about cloud computing standards.

My advice would be to implement any new major systems (core banking, CRM, channels) in the cloud.

Traditional corporations are abandoning legacy systems and moving to the cloud.  Banks should too–Some have already done so successfully in Africa and Australia.

I will add to this post over time. For now let me just offer another bread crumb here.

Cloud is closely related to the following banking industry trends, which I will surely blog about:

  • Increased competition from entering banks due to fewer barriers to entry.  If your strategy is “fast follower” then you have more competitors to keep up with.
  • Increased competition from non-banks.  Technology is reducing the benefits of some economies of scale and increasing others.  This is causing the unbundling and reconfiguration of business models.
  • Increased competition from existing banks.  Banks are differentiating themselves or reducing the differentiation of their competitors by rolling out new products and services faster.  They are also getting better at zeroing in on what customers want through deft experimentation.

The Cloud Computing trend is also closely related to the Big Data trend.

Learn, code, monetize

I found an interesting post titled Competing in a World of Software-Defined Everything by Chuck Hollis, a frequent blogger on cloud computing, about a new product cycle named “Learn, code, monetize”.

Chuck suggests that going forward organizations will compete primarily based upon know-how.  Expertise and the unique understanding of how to apply it to gain a competitive advantage in some business is core to the value of the organization.  The ability to code human expertise into computer systems then becomes a key differentiator.  Companies must focus on improving their ability to

  1. increase this know-how (analytics) and
  2. convert this expertise into software (DevOps).

The organization who can go through the learn, code, monetize cycle the fastest wins.

This is driving companies to abandon legacy computing environments (slow cycle) and move to cloud computing (fast cycle).


What is Service Design?

This entry is part 21 of 31 in the series Defining words

According to Wikipedia, Service design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between service provider and customers. provides an open collection of tools useful in service design.

zen_c4service_logoService design tools are useful in all of the layers in the How it All Fits Together diagram.  In strategy, high level customer journey maps can illustrate the strategic intent of the target business model.  In design, the vision of the customer experience and the experience of key internal users can be illustrated in a powerful illustration that everyone can understand, criticize, and rally around.  The transformation process can be informed by the vision and requirements for the customer experience.  In production, people can understand how things are supposed to be experienced by the customer and why.  They can operate it all more in line with its intent and pass back more informed feedback, pain points, and new insights.


Are “Guiding Principles” the same as a “Strategy”?

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Doing Strategy


Strategic guiding principles are derived from experience, situational or positional analysis, or from researching best practices and industry or technology trends.

For example, an IT strategist for an organization might read in an analyst report that dramatically fewer banks are providing mobile apps for Blackberry devices and create the following guiding principles:

  • Reduce general investment in mobile apps for Blackberry devices
  • Provide for a spike of short-term investment in targeted mobile functionality that might cause profitable under-served Blackberry users to switch banks
  • Reduce investment in IT capabilities for Blackberry app development.  Move to outsource Blackberry app development and operations.

In the above example, the strategy is to:

  1. Save money by narrowing the investment in Blackberry apps
  2. Exploit an opportunity created by an emerging under-served segment of die-hard Blackberry users.

These kinds of strategic principles are created to guide changes to the operating model and assess the operating model against the business and IT strategy.  I cover my views on these and other kinds of strategic guiding principles here.

Market research or organizational experience must confirm the existence of customer micro-segment(s) that can be engaged with this strategy and the micro-segment must be abstracted into a set of personas or archetypes.

Service design (i.e. a customer journey map) must have uncovered usage scenarios where certain features are valuable to these targeted Blackberry users.  The strategy must be presented to diverse stakeholders in a manner in which they can fully absorb it and their input must be incorporated back into the strategy.

The entire strategy is based upon assumptions about technology and the environment which, assuming they are true at all, might change drastically and quickly.

My point is, guiding principles lack the richness to function as a strategy.  Guiding principles are one output of a strategy process which help to guide and assess the strategy implementation process, but they are not a strategy in and of themselves.  If you have not documented the strategy, then you can not assess the principles.  They are just rules devoid of rationale which, themselves, introduce new risks to the organization if not incessantly questioned, defended and tweaked.

Take, for example, the motherhood guiding principle:  “Provide access to all banking services consistently across all channels“.  By itself the principle is difficult to envision or question.  Do we expect full mortgage application submission to be a popular feature on ATM?  Are our ATM interfaces not already daunting enough?  How will a hurried queue of customers feel if they cannot get cash because someone is laboring through a mortgage application on the only ATM in the area?  What is the strategic thinking and what competitive advantage are we expecting to materialize?  How can a broad set of stakeholders envision the target state and provide feedback based upon their unique knowledge and experience?