What is a Target Operating Model (TOM)

By | June 4, 2014
This entry is part 19 of 31 in the series Defining words

I started my journey to understand target operating models (TOMs).  It didn’t occur to me to first understand what is an operating model until I tried to understand the big picture and how everything fits together.  Note to self:  Before writing a TOM go back and review operating models.target operating model

A target operating model (TOM) envisions how the business will operate in the future.  Creating a TOM requires two primary prerequisites:

  1. An operating model for which a detailed and shared understanding exists, and hopefully documentation
  2. A business strategy for which a detailed and shared understanding exists, and hopefully documentation.

The TOM envisions how a new (transformed) organization will operate that is substantially different from the way the organization operates today.

Some published material that I have enjoyed reading is in the reading room at OperatingModels.com.

In particular, I like the following documents:


Series Navigation<< What is an Operating Model?What are Strategic Guiding Principles? >>

3 thoughts on “What is a Target Operating Model (TOM)

  1. Pingback: What is an Operating Model? | Alan Street

  2. Pingback: Why this blog? | Alan Street

  3. Pingback: Strategy: How it all fits together | Alan Street

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