How to Read My Blog

By | June 17, 2014

First, thank you for stopping by my blog.  I hope it is as useful to you as it is to me.  I use it daily for a personal reference as well as a place to refer colleagues and clients, which is why it is essentially a network of useful facts and (perhaps more importantly) references.  You are reading my personal notes that I use to carry out my daily activities.

My blog posts are organized into categories and series.  The categories are very broad and map to the menu on my blog.  A series is a more focused group of posts that link together in sequence and can be read more-less like a book.

I am currently blogging about digital banking build vs. buy decisions.

A recent tangent (for a client in the UK) was a top-down summary of cloud computing related reference architectures.

The index below provides an entry point to my blog series so that I don’t forget about them and you can find them.

These links take you to the first post in the series and this is good because you can see the series index, get a feel for what is covered in the series, and go directly to what you are most interested in.

  • Doing Strategy where I talk about the strategy process as I see it.
  • Trends where I look at technology, industry and market trends that must be considered as part of an environment scan in a strategy process relevant to the banking industry.
  • Forces where I look at market, industry and macro-economic forces that must be considered as part of an environment scan in a strategy process relevant to the banking industry. (just starting this series)
  • Strategic Technologies where I inventory the technologies most frequently required to implement bank strategies.
  • Strategic IT Capabilities where I inventory the capabilities IT groups need to have to implement common strategies.
  • Strategic Business Capabilities (soon) where I inventory the capabilities financial services providers typically require to be competitive.
  • exampleBank Business Strategy where I build a bank floor-by-floor as an example of leveraging strategies, operating models, architectures and technologies.
  • Defining Words where I look at words that I thought that I understood but didn’t for the benefit of those that think they do but don’t (or didn’t know they needed to).

Other good places to start:

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